Religion Is Trash. Jesus Is Treasure.

That thing you hate about religion- Jesus probably condemns it. That thing you don’t like about God- the Bible likely doesn’t even present God in that light. Saint Paul said religion was ‘crap.’ I’ll show you in a minute. James went so far as to redefine religion as something that could pretty much only happen outside of a church building. Jesus was crucified for His attitude about the religious system of His day. Let’s explore.

Straight From The Bible

Let’s talk Greek. Skybalon was the ancient Greek word Saint Paul chose to use to classify the many things he had done to deeply impress most religious leaders of his day (Philippians 3:8). Skybalon was a word that people used to talk about human excrement, trash on the side of the road, the rotten fish floating on the edge of the pond, nasty food under the lunch table- anything repulsive. It was a harsh word that made you cringe, not only because of the category of material but also because it was a coarse word in the culture. We have a modern-day equivalent: “crap.”  

Now, to the Bible. In Philippians 3, Paul spends a few sentences talking about his religious success in the eyes of his culture. Let’s simplify everything: In verse 6, amid some very impressive religious clout, Paul says that in all kinds of “legalistic righteousness,” he was absolutely “faultless.” Paul had memorized more rules than the rabbis, spent more time in church than the pews, given more money, out-argued more critics, dotted every “i” and crossed every “t.” In a Jewish system based on about 600 rules and regulations, Paul was as perfect as you could be. Having summed all of that up in verse 6, Paul drops the bomb. “I consider all that skybalon.”

Friendship or Religion? The Choice Is Yours…

To Paul, obligatory religion with meaningless rituals was crap. He gives the alternative. He holds a distinction between religion and something better. 

“I consider [religious accomplishments] rubbish (skybalon), that I may gain Christ… I want to know Christ…”

Religion is crap, but knowing Jesus is life-giving. Paul associates knowing Jesus with power, joy, fulfillment, and peace. Religion is something you do to feel like you have done enough to be OK with God. Knowing Jesus is about having a genuine friendship with Someone who leads you toward a fulfilling life. In John 15:15, Jesus says, “I no longer call you servants; I call you friends.” Jesus is not looking for religious robots or servants. He is looking for friendship. He wants us to know Him. Paul compares friendship with Jesus to glorious riches. Jesus promises that friendship with Him is like a Treasure you will gladly trade the world to obtain.

As this site develops, you will see MANY instances where Jesus shows disdain for the things we would associate with religion. He is looking for something more. He is looking for your friendship. Even if you gave up on church, give friendship with Jesus a chance.

Are You Done With Obligatory Religion?

This website is dedicated to those who are done with the Sunday Obligation. Maybe you have been disappointed by the Church. Maybe you are bored with religion. Maybe you believe there is more to God than rituals and memorized response. Regardless of why you clicked on the title, I hope you will give Jesus one last chance. I want to help you see religion from Jesus’ perspective, and it looks nothing like the above descriptions.

In John 15:15, we learn what Jesus wants from us. Jesus said, “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” Jesus is not looking for robots or servants. He is looking for friends. He wants companionship with people who want to learn from Him and grow.

This type of friendship comes down to three icons that I will use as this site develops: Treasure, Table, and Towel. Jesus compared the friendship we have with Him to a treasure, unlike any other treasure we could attain. He ate with friends and enemies at the table, inviting us into meaningful friendships with others. These friendships have depth and life-giving energy. He also used a towel to serve His disciples, and Jesus invites us to do the same. This site will guide you step-by-step using those three expressions of faith to develop your own relationship with Jesus. Let go of obligatory religion and begin the adventure of a growing friendship with Jesus.

Choose Jesus Over Church

In most surveys among people who say they are Christians, less than 40% claim to read the Bible more than once a week. Since we tend to overestimate our good habits, it’s safe to assume the actual number is significantly less than 40%.

This potentially means that people who are tired of the religion they associate with the church are making assumptions about Jesus based on their church without knowing what the Bible actually says about Him.

Suppose you are tired of meaningless rituals. Do you know that religious authorities often criticized Jesus for rejecting their religious traditions of the times? Maybe you are put off by the abuse of power and finances in church. Do you know that Jesus’ reaction against the same atrocities among His own community’s faith leaders is what prompted His arrest and subsequent crucifixion?

You should make sure you know what you are walking away from! Don’t let a church ruin a perfectly good friendship with Jesus. Why in the world would you walk away from Jesus if you knew He felt the same way you do about corrupt religious institutions? Here’s the quickest path to knowing the difference between Jesus and a church.

Download THIS Bible app on your phone or go to THIS website. Select the NIV for the translation. (The Bible is translated in various “flavors.” Some sound old and flowery, while some sound modern.) The NIV is a very readable and understandable version of the Greek and Hebrew of the original texts. If you hate to read, use an audio bible, NIV version. Once you have your Bible accessible, use this plan.

Set a timer for 15 minutes for five days a week. Read from the gospels for 15 minutes, five days a week. The gospels are four books in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They are the biographies of Jesus. Read the life and teachings of Jesus over and over again for one year. If you take 15 minutes daily, five days a week, you will get through the gospels many times a year. Six months from now, you will know more about Jesus than most lifelong Christians. You will then be able to see what happens in a church and compare it to Jesus. You will know whether you want a friendship with Jesus or obligatory religion. You will see that you don’t have to choose between stale religion and walking away from Jesus. You can choose Him! Then, you will undoubtedly notice that some churches get it!

While you learn the wisdom of Jesus, you will begin to connect His teachings with everyday situations. As you adjust your life to His Way of life, which is almost inevitable, you will see that knowing Jesus is life’s Treasure. As others observe and benefit from you living out Jesus’ teachings, you will become a Treasure for them! Give it a try before you walk away from the whole thing! At least know what you are walking away from!

At The Table With Jesus

“While Jesus was having dinner at Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. When the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?” On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” -Mark 2:15-17

This is one of my favorite gospel stories! Jesus invites Levi (Matthew) to join His team of disciples. Matthew was a tax collector, one of the most unliked categories of humans of Jesus’ day. People saw them as liars, cheaters, and disloyal; no one wanted tax collectors around. Matthew throws a party with his buddies, and Jesus joins them. The religious elite (Pharisees) cannot stomach it! They have no category for a spiritual person hanging around such failures. They cannot grasp how someone who sees himself as being from God could associate with these kinds of people. Jesus sets the record straight. Not only would He refuse to reject them, but He actually came FOR them! Jesus blew up their churchy categories and rejected their judgmental approach to people.

Time and again, using TABLE imagery, the gospels show the connection Jesus wants with us. In this instance, Matthew connects with Jesus and enjoys TABLE friendship with Him. Matthew also invites others to the TABLE of friendship. Jesus embraces the whole thing. Religious people accused Jesus of not being judgemental enough for their liking. The accusations usually happened when Jesus was at a table- He liked the table filled with people from all walks of life who were growing their friendships with Him and each other.

Table friendship is an essential part of the Movement Jesus came to bring. If you want a growing friendship with Jesus, start eating together with people and building deep relationships. You’ll find Jesus inhabits those friendships!